How to keep your brain a active status?

How to keep your brain a active status?

As you age, staying active becomes even more important. Every day,scientists are discovering how closesly our minds and bodies are connected.It turns out the things you do to help keep your body and healthy may be good for your brain health.Except nootropics,here are the several good tips to enlarge your brain health.

1.Discover a new talent,when you learn new things, you engage your brain. Pick up a new hobby like dancing,learn to speak French or just do something you have not done before. Challenging your brain on a regular basis is fun and beneficial.

2.By simply changing what you eat,you may be able to help increase your chances of staying engaged as you age.Try eating a healthy, low solid fat diet with lots of veggies and fruits,like strawberries, blueberries and broccoli.

3.Get some shuteye,poor sleep,or inadequate sleep due to issues such as insomnia or sleep apnea,can not only have serious physical effects but cal affect your memory and thinking,too.Get comfy and go to bed.Seven to eight hours is a good night’s rest.

4.Get moving,did you know being active may help you reduce some risks to your brain?It dose not matter if you are taking nightly walks or even playing with the grandkids-as long as you are getting your heart pumping for 30 minutes most days.

5.Drink moderately, if at all.Alchohol may act differently in older adults than in younger people. Some older adults can feel high without increasing the alcohol they drink.This can make them more likely to be confused or have accidents.

6.Maintain your balance, by strengthening your body and doing regular balance exercises, you may help reduce your chances of a fall-related head injury or traumatic brain injury,which can cause memory issues and impaired thinking. Working to improve your balance and talk to your doctor if you have experienced a fall.

7.Talk to your doctor,as you age ,change in your brain function is expected.It is part of life.However,if you have any questions or concerns,as your doctor at your appointment.Taking care of your health starts by having an open relationship with your doctor.

8.Mind your meds, medicines can effect everyone differently,expecially as you age.A medication that did not trigger side effects in the past can suddenly cause an abnormal reaction and even change your cognitive function. Whether you are taking something over the counter or a prescription, talk to your doctor about all of your medications.

9.Know your blood pressure,high blood pressure in midlife can have serious effects on your brain health down the road. If your blood pressure is high, talk to your health care provider about how to get it under control.It may just help reduce some risks to your brain.

10.Stay connected, keep in touch with your family and friends, invite them over for a healthy meal,go on a hike together or volunteer.Science has shown having regular engagement in social activities can help reduce some risks to your brain..

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