Synephrine HCL

Synephrine, or, more specifically, p-synephrine, is an alkaloid, occurring naturally in some plants and animals, and also in approved drugs products as its m-substituted analog known as neo-synephrine. p-Synephrine and m-synephrine are known for their longer acting adrenergic effects compared to norepinephrine. This substance is present at very low concentrations in common foodstuffs such as orange juice and other orange (Citrus species) products, both of the “sweet” and “bitter” variety.

Synephrine HCL Dosage

In clinical trials, 50 mg per day of synephrine did not produce adverse effects when taken without caffeine. In combination with up to 320 mg of caffeine, the studies did not use more than 40 mg of synephrine per day.

Synephrine HCL Benefits

  1. Metabolic Rate & Fat Burning
  2. Athletic Performance
  3.  Antifungal Activity
  4. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  5.  Mood and Energy
  6.  Inflammation
  7.  Allergy Symptoms
  8. Antimicrobial Activity

Synephrine HCL Side Effects

  • Hallucinations/psychosis
  • Coronary spasms and thrombosis
  • Heart rhythm disturbances (ventricular fibrillation)
  • A decrease in muscle size (rhabdomyolysis)
  • Kidney failure
  • Blood clots
  • Nerve damage due to increased pressure in muscles (bilateral compartment syndrome)
  • Chest pain (variant angina)
  • Stroke

Wanna be a distributor of Synephrine HCL from Nootropicsorigin?

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